Game On

Baldur’s Gate

In a word – tops!

Graphically it is extremely well done, and the gameplay and story line in two player co-operative mode is really absorbing. Just when you’re thinking you’ve come to the end of a fairly short game – wham! – you have completed a fraction of what lies ahead and the quest continues.

This is the game we always wanted Gauntlet to be back in the 80’s. Even if you’re not a Dungeons and Dragons fan (I’m not), I can really recommend this game on all levels. Oh yeah, and the barmaid’s bazongas area really well animated too!

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I just received an e-mail from Paul Sowden of which leaves me slightly dumbstruck. I was mistakenly under the impression that if you kept a weblog and you spent every single day on your soap box, that you actually invited comment from your audience.

Paul said on his site that he thinks that lower case stuff is “so 2001”. So I sent him a mail – and I swear I was just having a bit of fun, pointing out that his page title and a couple of other parts of his page were in lower case.

I wont paste his reply here, as it’s just… *sigh*, you know – I really should have guessed that someone so anal couldn’t possibly have a sense of humour. What the hell is the world coming to, I wonder? Answers on a validating e-mail, please.

Anyhow, I have been visiting Paul’s site every day now for months – I think I found it last October or something when he was mentioned on ALA. But over the last week or two he’s made some pretty rash remarks and my guage on the value of his comments has swung to the negative during that time. Fortunately I’ve found another journal that contains similar thoughtful content… but without the holey-er than thou’ posturing. Guess you’re back down to two visitors a day, Paul.

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A lot of fuss over not much…

Turns out the big meeting was pretty positive after all. Lesson learned, maybe.

Still, it was a frightening reminder that I’m not in a financial situation to cope with any drastic news at the moment. If anything it has re-focused my attention on clearing my outstanding credit card debt. At present rate it should be down to zero some time in 2005!!

Must try harder…

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