Real Men of Genius…


Real Men of Genius…

This Bud’s for you, Mr MicroSoft Menu Option Designer.

For it was you who put the Print option next to the Refresh option on the right click menu of Internet Explorer. I toast your lack of understanding of human computer interaction.

When other developers at Netscape, Mozilla, Opera and elsewhere became blinkered with the desire to make their applications more user friendly, you said “Bite my 12 inch Wiener and take my 20meg download!”

When the web browsing public pointed out that printing and refreshing a page were two entirely different actions, you alone dared to be different.

So I drink one Bud and then another in awe of how you’ve made sure several rain forests worth of paper get wasted every single day around the world because people accidentally choose to print when they wanted to refresh.

Take a deep bow, Mr MicroSoft Menu Option Designer – this Bud’s for you!

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