
The Big Freeze

Due to the generosity of Monsieur Cedrick, we now have a very large fridge freezer and for the first time in ages we can enjoy the “benefits” of frozen food.

This might not sound so amazing, but today we done about ?65 worth of shopping (rather than the usual ?100+) and I expect it to last for a good two weeks or so. Most of the saving was due to all the two for one offers at Iceland, but a lot of it is to do with the comparitive cheapness of frozen food compared to the usual haul of fresh stuff we had to buy when we had no freezer.

Granted, a lot of it is complete junk – frozen mini-pizza’s and the like. But there are odds and ends now occupying the freezer that at least give us a more varied diet than we’ve enjoyed over the last 8 months.

And then there’s the ice cream! :o)

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This is why I don’t like surprises…

A big meeting has been called at work tomorrow afternoon, and to quote several cast members of Star Wars “I have a bad feeling about this.”

It’s not that there’s any indication of it being negative… it’s just that there hasn’t been any indication of it being positive either.

Hopefully the rumours flying around have been a lot of paranoia and speculation over nothing, as this would be a very bad time for very bad things to happen.

Not that there’s ever a good time.

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All at sea

Vanessa and Friends’ Sea theme party went well at the weekend. As a surfer dude amongst pirates and mermaids it turned out to be a better idea for a theme party than I thought it would be.

Fliss is already toying with the idea of having a theme party of sorts for her 21st at the end of May. Not entirely sure what I’d like to dress up as for that – I still have an urge to dress up as The Mask at some point, so fingers crossed it’ll be a Movie theme night! =o)

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