Even more rampant!


Even more rampant!

Last night I was back at Rampworks skatepark, determined to continue the progress I had made last week. Granted, it’s baby steps of progress, but it’s progress all the same.

With my somewhat silly fear of dropping-in out of the way, I was keen to try something with a bit more flair on the mini-ramp, and spent about an hour just trying the same thing – with limited success I admit, but it was damn good fun all the same.

With a week to recover from various slams and sketchy moments, I’ll be up for it again same time next Wednesday. If Dado can recover from a “broken” back in time, it’ll be three of us going for the next instalment.

Note to self: Wrist guards are all very well, but you do spend most of the time landing on your knees and elbows. Invest in some pads for those too :o)
