Game On

Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat Alpha

If you’ve got Battlefield 1942 then I recomend picking up the Desert Combat Alpha mod for the game. It changes it from WWII style, snails paced combat into a full blown Arnie style action movie!

There’s something kind of wicked about rocketing around these WWII maps in an F-16 or an Apache Gunship. Heck, even the improvement in the rocket launcher makes it cool to be a foot soldier again!

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The honeymoon is over!

In fact – not just the honeymoon. The whole affair is on the rocks at the moment and this could be the final straw. Oh yes – Homesite 5 has wronged me today. For over four years I’ve used that piece of s….. software almost every day of the week.

And today, whilst I foolishly used the code collapse function, Homesite chose to delete around a hundred lines of code and replace them with a forward slash.

A forward slash.

One of these /


I have no idea, but the charms of Bradsoft‘s TopStyle seem all the more irresistable now that Homesite has chosen to cross me after all this time.

I knew something was wrong straight away, but rather than hit undo as I should have, I decided to close Homesite down to see if that would solve the funk it was in. Only afterwards did I realise that the hundred lines of code were now a forward slash and I was unable to retrieve them.

Actually, the fault lies at the door of Macromedia, in this case. Had they maintained Homesite when they bought Allaire instead of concentrating on Dreamweaver then the three year old bug in the code collapse function would probably have been fixed by now.

Damn these megacorps!

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A mission too far

I’m completely shocked tonight on hearing the news about the space shuttle Columbia breaking up over Texas. It’s the kind of thing you suspect would happen during lift off, as with Challenger, as opposed to when the mission is just about done and dusted.

The space travel of science fiction is obviously some way off when the best minds on the planet at NASA cannot guarantee the safety of a crew on a journey which has become fairly routine over the last couple of decades.

Whether it turns out to be fatigue from 28 missions in just over 20 years of service, or some other component failure that brought about the demise of Columbia, it’s a horrible tragedy. For the folks on Sky News and BBC News 24 to be sitting there discussing the possibility of terrorist involvement seems absolutely deplorable to me. It’s bad enough without so called experts trying to sensationalise their coverage with the T word.

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