Not Real News

Sophie Ellis–Bextor in implant revelation

Viewers witnessing Sohpie Ellis–Bextor doing the rounds on the chat show circuit wont find it hard to spot the difference between her new lick of paint in contrast to her previously aloof “Murder on the dance floor” image.

However, the singer’s new blonde hair, teamed with short skirts and cleavage presenting tops, are the changes which are only skin deep. has learned that during her gap year between albums, Ms Ellis–Bextor attended a top Harley Street clinic in order to have a personality implant fitted. The delicate procedure was actually performed some months ago by top surgeon Dr William Offenhausle.

Dr Offenhausle candidly revealed that Ms Ellis–Bextor had been the first person to undergo the revolutionary procedure. “Not that we do this kind of thing very often, but usually it’s the other way,” the good doctor explained, “We had Dale Winton in a few years back for a reduction, oh, and Jeremy Clarkson was in for some humility at one point, but this is actually the first time we’ve had to implant an entire personality. Indeed, it’s rare that a person should be so entirely bereft of wit, charm, humour and all of the other traits associated with a personality.”

Dr Offenhausle would not elaborate as to how difficult the procedure had been, but given the fact that Sophie now seems to smile and give answers of longer than two words when interviewed it would indicate that the surgery had been successful. When pressed, Dr Offenhausle added “To be honest, I wasn’t sure it would work – especially in a case as extreme as Sophie’s. When your client posesses the warmth and charm of a Speak and Spell without batteries, you know you’re going to earn your money. We actually suggested the hair dye and push–up bra as a back up plan, because the public can spot a fake personality a mile away.”

It was feared, even after the success of the operation, that Sophie’s body would simply reject the personality completely. Apparently the drugs used to combat this have left her looking pale, although if you can spot that difference you’re a better judge of shades of white than we are.

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Trust Some One

Back in the early days of the X-Files, I could not get enough of it. I bought episode guides and magazines with even the vaguest article on the show. Then, each week, I would hardly be able to contain my excitement before a new episode was shown, carefully reading my episode guide so that I knew which regulars were invoved with the storyline. I even managed to get one of my friends hooked too and he’d be forever borrowing my carefully taped VHS copies which I’d make him promise to return in pristine condition!

Sadly the BBC started showing the series out of order, here in Britain, and I grew more and more frustrated with the fact that satelite tv viewers were a series ahead of the BBC anyway. My classmates at college would talk about episodes they’d seen, but I had only read about and I’d be so jealous of them. Seems like a crazy obsession now, though, because there are no TV shows I really care about at the moment. Nothing of the quality that both the X-Files and Babylon 5 were attaining back in the mid 90’s.

Why am I writing this?

Because I occasionally read a blog by a person called Alison and she’s written about her slight obsession with the show and went to the effort of making an X-Files page. For some reason she seems embarrassed about her fan page, but as it contains references to some of my favourite episodes of tthe show, I don’t think she should be too worried about it.

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Happy Anniversary to Firebird Help

It’s one year down the road for the lovely Firebird Help site, formarly known as Phoenix Help and a couple of other things besides. I don’t think I’d have made the switch from IE if it hadn’t been for the well presented content on the site. The friendly, positive approach sure made a change from some of the more elitist Mozilla fan sites out there.

Here’s to many more annual celebrations as Firebird gains a foothold in the browser market.

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