George has a new car, the lucky devil – a foxy looking silver Mazda roadster. Truth be told, I’m a bit jealous – not that there’s anything wrong with my car… but his looks a lot more fun. ;o)
Fliss has gone to London for the weekend with Jo from down below. That gives me four days of Alpha Male supremacy in my own home. Sky Sports 1, 2, 3, and Extra, plus the Extreme Sports Channel need have no fear of being replaced by Mutton Dressed as Lamb in the City – oh no!
Welcome to the weekend, sports fans!
…or I might just play Madden 2004 until I’m royally flogged off with it like I always do…. :o|
Another week at skateboarding and another injury… this time concussion. It was so lame, though – right at the start of the night and I wasn’t even doing anything ambitious. Wearing my elbow pads (fresh from the elbow injury last week) and wrist guards, I was just carving a kick turn to come back down one of the ramps – not even going all the way up it. But then I got distracted by someone on the next ramp, leant back, looped out and smashed my brains out on the side of a box section that had ended up behind me on my way down. Ouch!
Took me 45 minutes before I could see straight again, assisted by some huge horse pill that the woman in the shop gave me. Santa pointed out that maybe skateboarding isn’t for me… but I reckon that’s just ‘cos he’s trying to buy my old deck off me on the cheap!
Anyhow, I recovered enough to make some progress on the night – I’m definately improving at going switch (backwards) on the ramps… up until I get to a certain height and then self-preservation takes over and I bottle it!
Still, I think going five weeks in a row and not doing myself any serious injury is quite commendable, and I’ll be back for more self inflicted punishment next week.