
Our Easter Holiday 2004

Fliss has a nice recap of our easter break on her site, and despite her having the short term memory of a hung-over goldfish, it’s a pretty accurate account and saves me covering the same ground.

I’ll add that on the Tuesday I had a fun night out with Eoan, Geo and Ade in a couple of the coolest pubs in Glasgow. Geo and Eoan fell out at some point, sadly, but it made a pleasant change from me and Eoan falling out – not that that happens too often in real life anyway. ;o)

Other than that night, it’s pretty much as Fliss says, except that where she’s doing stuff and I’m not mentioned, I’m most likely playing TimeSplitters 2 with brother Andrew – we did that a lot.

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Note Book

What’s your global footprint?

Apparently, if everyone lived just like me, we’d need one and a half planets. Which is hardly comforting considering I had an ecological footprint of 2.7 global hectares when the average in my country is a whopping 5.3.

It also turns out that if we all played nice and shared the resources of the planet evenly then there’d only be 1.8 biologically productive global hectares for each of us.

If you’d like to be similarly surprized, visit the My Footprint website.

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ROFL @ the Macsturbator!

Over the easter weekend, Jeffrey Zeldman decided to upgrade his Mac. Installation & sense of humour failure ensued.

I’m allowed to find this funny because earlier in the same week I upgraded the hardware in my own computer and ended up in a similar OS related catch 22 situation. Fortunately the exceptionally clever IT chap at work came dashing to the rescue and the machine was back in action with in a day or two.

Also, since I don’t bray all the time about how great my operating system is, I think I’m allowed to laugh my frickin’ head off when the Grand High Wizard of Macsturbation gets shafted by the company he’s constantly worshipping. There’s something deliciously ironic about that. :o)

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