So… whatever happened to the last seven weeks?


So… whatever happened to the last seven weeks?

Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself.

In June cousins Iain and Jamie visited one weekend, which was excellent, as I got to drink and watch the Euro’ football with Iain, and I got to meet Jamie’s little girl Hannah. I spent quite a few evenings in the gym that month, too, ‘cos Fliss was training for her 5k run, which she completed successfully.

At the end of June and early July I was hella busy doing some freelance work – I still am, in fact, but I’m on the home straight now, and it does keep the wolf from the door.

We went back to Scotland for the wedding reception of a friend, the weekend before my birthday, and that was good fun, although a little low key on my part. This was mostly due to me getting carried away the night before on a night out with my old friends Ade, Geo and Eoan – that was a touch of class, actually – nobody fell out, although sadly George left before he could spread any love. ;o)

Earlier this month I also found the time to do my usual extensive research, followed by careful product purchase thing as we got a new digital camera. Although the Minolta G600 wasn’t my first choice, Cedrick has been very happy with its little brother, and it works with a 128Mb Sony Memory Stick that we had going unused, so it quickly rose to the top of the pile. After picking it up at a very good price and taking a few snaps with it during Fliss‘ 5k run I have to say I’m very pleased with the quality of the camera. Hopefully one day soon some of the images it captures will end up on this site.

Other than all of the above, life has been taken up with all the messy time consuming things that just seem to crop up as you go along. Hence the lack of updates.

The icing on the cake, as it were, is that I’m sick of the current design of this site. It feels like it got old really quickly, and like one of the previous versions of WipeoutZone, I just cant bring myself to look at it too often. I’m not saying it’s bad, I just think it’s got to the same stage as Kylie’s ass – i.e. nice to look at when it was first on the scene, and I’ll always have fond memories, but I’d rather it was replaced with something a bit more fresh.

Which is where the freelance work comes back to haunt me, never mind the project, which has sat dormant for a year now while I find the time in between life and videogames! :o)

After seeing the fabulous work done by Dunstan on his recent re-design, I’m quite determined to put some good effort into the next incarnation of, too.

But content is king, isn’t it? So even if the design is lacking, the updates should come thick and fast after the summer break there – I just need to get back into the swing of things. For now, though, there’s wine to drink and sleeping pills to take… (no, I still haven’t gotten over the insomnia yet. Yes, it is six years and counting… sheep.)

Goodnight. :o)
