
Rachael and Andy’s wedding

It’s been a week since the wedding and I still cant remember enough about it to give a detailed report. Taking it down to basics, the ceremony was short and sweet – perfectly suited to the couple, actually, with the minimum of fuss and the maximum practicality. :o)

The rest of the afternoon involved drink – and lots of it. By the time the band were playing at around eight o’clock we were all quite merry. I managed to get myself Travolta drunk (i.e. to the point where I think I can dance!) and spent the latter part of the evening twirling bridesmaids (thanks for putting up with that Geraldine!) and generally hamming it up.

What was a shame was that the band were very good, as noted when we went to see them a few months back, but it was such a hot and humid day that most folk wanted to chill outside rather than get down indoors with the band. It was a bit odd seeing a team of polished musicians belting out cover versions to a very high standard and an empty room.

Ah well, at least I got down with the funky music, while Fliss recorded away on her camcorder and snapped away on the camera. When she’s got around to it the pictures will appear on her website gallery, I’m sure.

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Note Book


Like cellophane, but different, I’m selling my old Nokia 3650 on Ebay. I upgraded to a Nokia 6600 a couple of months back now and I decided it’s time to get rid of the old one before it becomes another electronic relic littering up my cupboard.

Wish I’d done the same with my 32meg Diamond Rio MP3 player and a back catalogue of sound and graphics cards that are now gathering dust in various boxes.

Come to think of it, probably the only thing I’ve successfully managed to off-load on the way to an upgrade was selling my original PlayStation one just a week after getting my PS2. Must make more effort to ensure trickle-down of electronics to those who don’t wish to take the early adopter hit.

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There’s a nice new search engine in town by the name of IceRocket. While the name harks of the dotcom boom, when companies with meaningless titles were springing up all over the place on the back of gullible investors, the actual search results seem pretty accurate. So I guess as long as it does the trick, it doesn’t matter how daft the name is… hell, I suppose Google is hardly meaningful.

A nice touch is that IceRocket shows a screen grab of each result along with the link and summary – very handy if you’re looking for a site you cant quite remember the name of. Strangely, though, a search for WipeoutZone on Icerocket throws back screen grabs that must be over two years old now. Weird.

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