
Who’s gonna drive you home?

Fliss has successfully passed her driving test at the first attempt today – answering that age old question posed by The Cars. Well, for me anyway.

I’m quite looking forward to all the things I’ll be able to do now that she’s automotively enabled… namely getting lashed while she doesn’t!

Anyhow, I’m dead pleased for Fliss, especially as she didn’t sleep too well last night for worrying about it, so well done to her. :o)

Hey… I wonder if we can get Sky+ now with the money saved on those lessons…?

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A close shave

I bought myself a new shaver at the weekend, after years of relying on a fairly poor re-chargeable Philips one that was wrecking my skin. After a lot of deliberation, I chose a nice blue three blade one – the new fancy kind that dispenses shaving gel directly onto the blades. At ?100 it was quite steep, and I would never have stretched to that if it hadn’t been for ?30 in gift vouchers I had been given. ?70 didn’t seem so bad for a ?100 item, though.

To be honest I was pretty skeptical about the gel dispensing feature, although I was sold on the idea of being able to use it in the shower, figuring it would help lessen the wear and tear on the skin. Turns out the gel is pretty darn fine in practice, though – on first use this morning it was great… felt a little metrosexual initially, but once I realised how easy it was to shave with it I was quite pleased.

Fliss seems pleased with the results, too – and is hoping I’ll shave more often than the once or twice a week habit I’d gotten into with my crappy old shaver.

Anyhoo – bottom line, these new fangled gel dispensing electric shavers are pretty neat. :o)

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Grey with a dash of orange

Grey with a dash of Orange

I’ve made a few changes to the site, which you can probably see. The grey is a bit of a departure from the usual hues of blue I tend to go with, but I decided I needed a bit of a change of direction for a while.

It’s not totally done yet – the archives page hasn’t made the transition yet, and there are aspects of it I’m not completely happy with. As a rule I like to get this site out of the way in a couple of days, though, before it becomes a pain in the ass as opposed to being somewhere I can just go off on one.

The CSS validates, which is nice, although the XHTML doesn’t because I have targets and other non-compliant stuff in the URL‘s, so although the code is safe and sound I cant really wear the validation patch on my sleeve with any authority. Validation is for geeks and students anyhow – I’m too much of a loose cannon for all that! ;o)

Regular(!) visitors will probably loathe the new look, I imagine, so if you have any comments to make you can drop me a line at

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