
November in a nutshell

It seems to have come and gone in a flash and, although there’s nothing major of note, here’s a summary of what’s been going on for a month bereft of updates.

At the start of the month Fliss‘ dad Ted came to stay with us for a few weeks. This was slightly less of a strain than beforehand due to him finally getting a pair of hearing aids sorted. Sadly they weren’t quite set up right, so at times we had to shout to be heard like all the other times he’d visited in the past.

Still, I’m glad he’s done something about it – when he has them working right it’ll be more fun too have him visit, as there’s nothing worse than having to raise your voice and repeat yourself all the time.

On the day that Ted departed, Cousin Iain came up to stay for the weekend. We didn’t do much, really – just played a lot of Pro Evo and watched a lot of football on the television. It was a shame that Iain had to leave mid–Sunday afternoon, as it would have been cool to make some hot dogs and watch the NFL together later that evening. Still, it was good fun, although I don’t think I can bring myself to play Pro Evo again – I’ve had just about enough of it.

I signed up with the Lifestyles gym again in order to keep myself in shape over the winter, and to train for the Santa Dash run I’m doing this Sunday. I’ve only managed a couple of 5k runs on the treadmill thus far, but the one I did on Monday was almost the exact same time it took me to do the Joan Barr 5k Memorial back in June, so at least I haven’t dropped off too much.

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