
Frank Skinner by Frank Skinner

I picked this autobiography up in early January, planning to save it as my holiday book on that ill advised trip to Malta. Although the holiday wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, the book was genuinely entertaining and shed a whole new light on Frank, or Chris Collins as he was born.

I’ve always found him entertaining in small doses, although I find his chat show a bit too cringeworthy to watch on a regular basis. Back in Y2K (haven’t heard that one in a while), Fliss and I went to see the play Cooking with Elvis starring Frank, and it was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. It was three parts smut to two parts smut and made no pretentions of being otherwise.

And that’s Frank, at the end of the day, and his book says as much. He comes across as a bit rough and working class because he is exactly those things, and although he’s enjoyed some fine success in the last ten years or so, what went before is a tale of a man who stumbles along wondering the same thing many of us wonder far too late into our lives – “what do I want to do when I grow up?”

His tone is informal and friendly throughout, and by the third page he says that if you’ve read that far then he considers you a mate and he might as well tell you the rest. It’s a nice touch, and as the book flits between present day and his childhood, you get a good idea of where Frank has been and where he’s at, all of the time never seeming to take life too seriously.

Along the way he breaks up with his girlfriend of the time, and their relationship had formed a prominent part of the commentary before that. He never wallows in the misery in a way that makes you feel you should drop your gaze, though, taking things like this in stride as much at the time of writing as he appears to have done all through his life.

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Note Book

My site as a tree

Check out this tree applet that renders website maps as trees. I’m not entirely sure how much use it is, but it’s fascinating watching it spider all the links in a site as it constructs the tree. I made the mistake of typing in WipeoutZone to see what would happen, and it took an age as it spidered every record page entry and forum post. This place, looks a lot simpler – more of a cheese plant than a bona fide tree to start with, then it hits all the external links and kaboom – it’s a forest.

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As evidence that there’s a greater plan to life, and that the individual in charge of that plan has a profound sense of irony, I discovered in the last week that my company conference is going to be in Malta in June.

At least this time around I’ll have something to do and have a bunch of my mates with me, although sadly not Fliss who deserves a better attempt at a holiday as much as I do. While she’s enjoying the use of the car for a working week, I’ll be staying in a sumptuous five star hotel rather than an old folks home with piss-proof furniture masquerading as a hotel.

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