
Answers to questions

Having had a look at the search strings that brought people to this site during January, I thought that some of them were owed an explanation. So here goes…

Coming soon, I promise.

ali bastian/pictures
Here’s one pic of Ali, and another lovely one here.

kevin wilson the skateboarder
Kevin Bloody Wilson can skateboard too?

claire swire
Who?… Oh… that Claire Swire. You’ll probably find this hard to swallow, but I don’t know her.

(madden 2004) (slider settings) pc
I only play the PS2 version, but someone at MaddenMania will be able to help.

andrea leighton
I haven’t seen her since primary school, but I did mention Andrea in this post.

bandicoot bollocks setup
Nope, sorry – no idea about that one.

buns hotdog sell dubai

burnout 3 headset dont work online headset doesnt work ps2
Cant help with that one, either – haven’t even played the game since the week after I bought it.

dc07 fault finding
I don’t mean to preach, but if you’re not sure how to find faults in a commercial jetliner then the chances are you shouldn’t be looking for them. That and this isn’t the place you’ll find the answer, either.

hot chicks doing crazy things
Not here, either – but if you find them drop me a line.

how to open the hood locked
Is that you, uncle John?

indycar 500 amiga top view racing
The game was called Indy Heat – it was awesome! :o)

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Goodbye Ivan

BBC journalist Ivan Noble has finally lost his long battle against brain cancer. His journal, which I dipped into from time to time, documented a struggle that seemed hard to comprehend.

Ivan wishes in his final column that his words have helped convince at least one person to give up smoking and avoid the suffering he has had to endure. I find that amazingly selfless, being that Ivan developed brain cancer through no fault of his own… yet smokers are actively choosing their fate.

Each day I glance out of the window to the smoking shelter and watch many people, including some of my friends, puff away. It’s a cruel world when many of those who choose to flaunt their wellbeing will outlive someone with so much desire to survive.

Goodbye Ivan – rest in peace.

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A man’s got to know his limitations

Fliss and I watched the Golden Globe Awards on tv last night, sipping a fine wine and making caustic remarks at the expense of all the lovies gushing at one another. Although this was entertaining enough, I’m not exactly the kind of person who gets star struck or over excited by the odd movie star. (They need to be a hot female movie star for that to happen!)

I couldn’t help but be stunned when the camera panned past Clint Eastwood, as his latest movie Million Dollar Baby was nominated for some award or other. Man, does he look old. And not just normal old – the plastic surgery just makes it look like he drove there on a motorbike at an average speed of 130 without wearing a helmet. It’s not that I ever remember him being particularly young, either, but people who were famous in the 70’s should maybe just go into hiding so you can remember them in their prime.

Am I 70, or is it 80? To tell you the truth, with all this alzheimers I’ve kinda forgotten myself…

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