Last weekend Sue came up to visit us and, as is becoming a habit of hers, brought with her a weekend of brilliant weather. On the Saturday we decided to make the most of it by dragging the seldom (once) used barbeque out from the shed and putting it to good use.
I had cut the grass at the front and rear of the house, done all the borders, and basically earned a darn good feed from my hard work in the sunshine. So, when Fliss and Sue returned from their mini-expedition to a nearby lighthouse with stacks of barbeque ingredients in tow, the scene was set for a welcome feast.
Considering it was only our second attempt at a barbeque, it all went rather well. Everything tasted great – from the sausages and meatsicles especially so, although the steak maybe went on a bit late. Stuffed from our food, we ended up sitting outside in the warm evening until after nine, chatting about almost everything under the sun.
We ended up in a discussion about the evils of videogames, as Sue had read articles about the “horrors” of Grand Theft Auto. I defended the game by pointing out to her that the game actually contained a very strong anti-drugs theme, yet the industry never mentioned that. Unconvinced, Sue had decided that all games were a waste of time. Staunchly defending one of my favourite pastimes, I pulled out the big guns – EyeToy and SingStar.
With the efforts of both myself and Fliss, it didn’t take long to convince her that those titles were a whole lot of fun. The end result being that we bundled the garden furniture away, went indoors and spent the next few hours either flapping around in front of the telly, or enjoying the comedic value of our respective performances on the microphones.
After all the fun, we woke on Sunday sounding a little hoarse and feeling a little bit rough. What better way to recover than by having a barbeque, we thought!