Game On

ZX Spectrum game walkthrough videos

Check out these walkthrough videos of various classic ZX Spectrum games. The only bad thing is that they’re 20 years too late – I could have done with this kind of thing when I was stuck, back in the day.

Being a gamer from way back then, I was mesmerised by the Jet Set Willy video. Some of those levels are so fiendish, yet the guy doing the walkthrough loses only one life on his way to collecting all the items and completes the game in around 36 minutes.

For me, there was something magical about games back in the 80’s that doesn’t seem to apply to modern games. Perhaps it’s rose tinted glasses, or maybe it’s the fact that I can count on the fingers of one hand how many games haven’t disappointed me in the last couple of years, but I still regard those 48k games with a fondness that many modern games just don’t warrant.

Maybe they just don’t make them like they used to.

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A whirlwind visit

At the tail end of January there we went up to Scotland to show Elisha off to the relatives and to attend the wedding of our friend Ian Binnie. Going back home for a weekend is always a busy affair, and this time was no different.

Driving up on the Thursday, we stayed over at Campbell and Claire’s place, where we introduced Elisha to their little one, Cailin, who has a three month head start on Elisha. The girls let Campbell and I go to the pub while they talked all things babies, which was a welcome escape for both of us, although admittedly we talked about babies too, before turning to proper man’s stuff like cars and football.

On the Friday we drove down to Helensburgh and had dinner at my mum’s place so that Great Aunties Helen and Mary could join in the photo opportunity with Elisha. I must say that Elisha behaved very well despite all the noise and attention. Cousin Iain and I escaped to the pub to meet Uncle James after dinner, where we enjoyed a few drinks before heading home early in preperation for the long day to follow at the wedding. In keeping with tradition, I managed to talk Iain into walking along the road to Mr Kebab when we got back, the legendary Helensburgh outlet of all things tasty.

During the hours that followed our return from Mr Kebab, Elisha demonstrated her new found power over myself and Fliss by keeping us both awake in her first real “bad” night since she arrived on the scene. It wasn’t the best preperation for the day ahead, but I guess this kind of thing is going to be a feature of life from now on.

The trip to the wedding was a complete nightmare – the merchant of death who was driving the minibus obviously had no experience driving a long wheelbase vehicle and how she didn’t manage to kill the lot of us on the way to the castle is beyond me. Just for reference, if anyone else is planning on charging us a tenner a head for the privelage of scaring the shit out of us for two hours on the way to attending your chosen event; forget it!

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