
Home Alone

With Fliss being away for the last week I’ve been fending for myself and enjoying the, albeit limited, run of the house. To be honest I haven’t really done too much of note – played some games, watched some football, tried to clear the dirty washing backlog – stuff like that. There have been no hedonistic parties or drunken debauchery befitting of a week of freedom. Maybe I’m just getting more boring in my old age.

Although it’s nice to have a break, I’m looking forward to having them back tomorrow night. I’m hoping Elisha will remember who I am and that Fliss doesn’t find too much wrong when she inspects my, probably, poor attempt at tidying the house for her return.

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The easter weekend

My mum, dad and brother Andrew came down to visit us on Thursday, staying in a travel lodge nearby in what turned out to be quite a convenient arrangement.

On Thursday I had gone out for a while after work for a friend’s birthday, thinking I’d have time for a couple of shandies before the folks arrived. When I got the call that they were here I took on the responsibility of bringing home an indian meal for everyone. Maybe I just lack imagination, but it seems like every time my mum comes down I do this. Tasty, though. ;o)

On Friday Fliss, Elisha and my mum and dad went down to the retail park for some odds and ends, leaving Andrew and I to play TimeSplitters, as is tradition. We had a good go at the co-operative story mode before everyone arrived back and I had to get out and cut the grass, as promised before they left.

Fliss had bought some plant food for my chilli plant William at the retail park, as he’s a bit under the weather after she put him outdoors for a night in February. I’m not convinced he’ll recover fully, but my mum seemed to think he’d perked up a little after the plantfood and some time out in the sunshine while I cut the grass.

Later in the evening we went to the travel lodge my family were staying at for a meal. The hotel was reasonably smart and the food was alright, but as the night wore on Elisha was being a bit fractious and I was knackered too, so it was good to get home at the end of the day.

We had planned to go to Southport on Saturday, but my mum decided that the weather wasn’t good enough to make the effort when she got up, so we settled for the short drive to Sefton Park instead. Once there the weather picked up and it made for a really nice afternoon. I threw the american football about with, or rather at Andrew, and the grass was dry enough that we could run about on it without slipping or getting wet and muddy. Not bad, considering the cold snap we’ve had recently.

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Things that go Kaboom! in the night

Last night around midnight we were both tucked up in bed, chatting away when a deep boom accompanied by a flash of light resonated from the street outside. I’m not ashamed to say I jumped out of my skin. Well, actually, Fliss was lying on my shoulder, so I just kind of waggled my legs about in fright.

Both of us jumped out of bed and got behind the curtain to see what had happened. There on the street corner, about fifty yards away, stood the shattered remains of a phone box that had just been blown up.

We’re well aware that the area we live in isn’t exactly sweetness and light, but in a year and a day of living there this was a first for sure. We both just stood, open mouthed, wondering why someone would blow up a phone box. Actually, I was wondering how someone would blow up a phone box, but I suspect you can find out that kind of thing on the internet.

The force of the blast had set off a house alarm nearby, so we waited to see what would unfold. With there being a police station a couple of hundred yards away I figured they’d be on the scene in a flash. A minute or so went by and two youths wearing black hoodies returned to the scene of the crime, reaching inside the shattered phone booth to take the money from the cashbox. After doing so they made good their escape, back in the direction they’d come from.

Holey crap, thought I. This was grim stuff. To be living in an area where things like this can go down is sobering – just a short distance from a police station, too. Yet the only sound was that of the triggered house alarm, rather than the police sirens I’d been expecting to follow.

A full ten minutes later and a police car crawled past the scene without stopping for the officers to examine the phone box. They continued down the road by our house, in the opposite direction to where the youths had gone, almost.

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