Game On

Over Rated

The current furore surrounding the Banning of Manhunt 2 is proof, if it was ever needed, that we’re living in a nanny state.

What makes it all the more annoying is the know-it-all parents commenting that they cant believe this sort of thing is available for kids. If the game is rated 18 then the only way those kids are seeing the content is if the know-it-all parents have let them play it, despite the certification.

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The legend of Crossbows & Catapults

It would be a christmas in the mid-80’s when cousin Iain got his Crossbows & Catapults set. I showed little interest in it initially – I couldn’t tell you what I got that year, but the fact that Iain’s present of choice involved Viking vs Barbarian conflict and not some kind of space battle probably had a lot to do with my apathy.

As tradition dictates, the family ended up at Auntie Mary’s place for a slap up meal at some point over the festive period. For some reason Auntie Mary has always been well stocked with office equipment – from “magic” markers that at some point I had been accused of getting my younger cousins to sniff for kicks, to thick sheaths of paper and rubber bands a plenty, she was better stocked than Office World.

It was the quality rubber bands, however, that transformed Crossbows & Catapults from mundane to the extreme battleground depicted in the adverts. The catapults didn’t exactly need souping up, but the crossbows, my word, with their puny elastic bands replaced with taught rubber they became weapons of mass destruction.

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Game On

The longest mission

Today I finally completed the Night Crawler mission in SOCOM 3, a year and 14 days after starting it!

At the time when I got stuck at it I turned my attentions to SOCOM Fireteam Bravo on the PSP and never got the time to go back to it’s PS2 brother, so I did a double take when I saw the date of my save file today. In the event it wasn’t as difficult as I’d thought it was when I first attempted it. I guess I’d just come off an all-guns-blazing kind of mission and wasn’t attuned to the stealth in the death of night required for Night Crawler.

I did encounter a terrible AI glitch, though, whereby the Bravo team would hide under a bridge and refuse to come out. Most strange!

After several failed attempts, I took a different approach to the level to avoid the glitch and it worked out really well, so I’m now looking forward to playing the next mission during my lunch hour tomorrow.

This is all in preparation for Fireteam Bravo 2 coming out on Friday – I need to get my Navy Seal skills honed in time for that.

Over and out. 😉

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