This Is Advertising

Game On, Linkage

This Is Advertising

Check out the videos of the xmas 2007 PS3 advertising campaign for Northern America, as posted on the official PlayStation blog.

Boom! 😀

Those are fantastic adverts – they completely put to shame the abstract ones we get in Europe. In fact, when I saw the ads above mentioned on my RSS feed first thing this morning I didn’t even pay them a moment’s notice because of the dross I’m used to seeing. But those ads, especially the 60 second one, pretty much sum up what the PS3 is all about – it even gives a quick nod to the motion sensing controller without laying it on thick, same with the Blu-Ray capabilities.

I’d really like to see ads of that caliber for Europe for the festive season – it even reminded me that I should get around to picking up that Saliva album. 8)
