Code Comments

Back in the Web

Up until recently, for a very long time, I’d kind of lost my mojo with web development.

Five years ago I was regularly reading the blogs of all the industry names, and hankering after the new evolution of each browser for the baby-step closer to consistent standards support it might bring. Out of my own pocket I’d buy books on PHP or CSS, as well as subscribing to publications like PHP Architect to keep me abreast of open source projects and new techniques.

Then, a couple of years back (I’m not quite sure when) I just simply lost my enthusiasm for it, gave up reading the blogs, cancelled my PHP Architect subscription, and stopped giving a toss whether I was using the latest trendy CSS hack to achieve some ridiculous positional trick dreamed up by a pillar of the web development community. Whatever passion I initially had for web development was gone.

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Taking the High Road Again

Tomorrow after work, all things going well, I’ll drive on up to Helensburgh to spend a week visiting family, friends, and taking the opportunity to relax right bang in the middle of a pretty busy period at work.

By virtue of the fact she got dooced recently, Fliss is already up there with Elisha and has been since Monday. The house has been pretty peaceful without Elisha running around, although it does feel completely empty without her and Fliss, so it’ll be good to see them again.

Fliss wants me to stick the mountain bikes in the car so that we can go for a ride or two during the week. It’s over seven years since we had the bikes transported from Helensburgh down to London – kind of hard to believe that much time has gone by since I rode about Helensburgh on my bike. I’ll definitely have to check out some of old haunts to see if I’ve still got the skills.

It’s good that I’ve re-discovered my enthusiasm for going back home again. Couple of years back I kind of resented the non-holiday and thought of it as a waste of leave, but from last xmas I’ve really enjoyed myself each time, so it does feel like a proper break as opposed to a chore.

Hopefully we’ll be as lucky with the weather during the next week as we were at Easter and over my birthday weekend. Especially since I’ll be taking my skateboard with me again, to see if I can score me some more early morning ramp time in the sunshine before the big boys wake up! 😀

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Going Postal

Last week we received a card through the door for a parcel that hadn’t been delivered due to excess postage charges. I didn’t recognise the name on the card, so I just left it sitting on the side, deciding I’d pick it up one morning if I found myself with time on my hands.

Last night I realised it would probably be sent back if I didn’t go and collect it, so this morning I drove to Woolton post office to pay the £1.06 charge. Typically, the letter was for someone else at a similar address, but with an entirely different post code.

£1.06 isn’t worth getting upset over, but the fact that our postman couldn’t make a judgement call on a letter with a different name than usual and an obviously mismatched post code is just plain annoying.

I should have gone with my gut instinct and just let it lapse and fall back into the system, but curiosity had gotten the better of me. Now I have a letter from some wedding photographer (I can see this through the address window on the envelope) that I’ve paid for but doesn’t belong to me. I’m not sure what to do with it – I could kiss goodbye to my £1.06 and stick it back in the letterbox, but there’s a chance it would make its way back to me via postman prat.

Or I could open it and see if there’s a return address for the wedding photographer and pay them a visit to reclaim my £1.06. Except I have this nagging suspicion that it’s illegal to open mail that’s not intendted for you.

It should also be illegal for someone with the IQ of a goldfish to deliver mail.

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