
The Great British Beer Festival 2007

Last week I travelled down to London for my second visit to The Great British Beer Festival at Earls Court. As last year had been so much fun, I was travelling down on the Thursday this time – a day earlier, to try and make the most of it.

In the event we only went on the Thursday night, but I did enjoy myself immensely and got to catch up with my mate Charlie, whom I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. The rest of the gang included unstroked Cousin Iain, Nicola and her flat-mate Victoria, Fred, Dave, and Elisabeth-Anne. There were a few others that turned up later on who were friends of Iain, but I didn’t really know them or speak to them much, so I don’t know their names.

First up was a pint of… well… whatever brewery it was we walked near first!

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Code Comments

Frameworks That Make Hard Work

Over the last few weeks I’ve been checking out various JavaScript frameworks for use in a site I’m building at work. There are a number of frameworks out there, from Prototype, which I previously used to do some AJAX stuff on WipEoutZone, to JQuery, the wonderfully named MooTools, and Yahoo!’s own Yahoo! User Interface Library.

Most of them aim to provide shorthand ways of accessing DOM elements and handy methods that take the pain out of getting a JavaScript app up and running. Well, that’s the plan, anyway. Some do certain things better than others – MooTools is tops for fancy effects, while Prototype is good for grunt work. YUI seems a bit limited in its scope, although the documentation is pretty good and has a good number of working examples. JQuery looks to offer a more compact way of getting results that take more work with Prototype, although it’s the one I’ve looked at the least.

Despite the fact I’ve used it before and gotten some simple things working with it pretty swiftly, Prototype has excruciatingly sparse documentation, which makes getting a working example of almost anything a pain in the ass. Even worse is that the online documentation isn’t searchable – seriously, what the hell use is online documentation that isn’t searchable? Even if you do find what you’re looking for there is rarely any sample code to give you something to go on, so attempting most things is a bit of a shot in the dark.

It looks like I’m going to have to take a good look at JQuery when the dust settles with what I’m doing right now. The funny thing is that in the end it probably wont come down to me choosing the “best” framework (heck, maybe they’re all the same under the hood) – it’ll come down to using which one has the best documentation.

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Game On, Linkage

Gimme Friction Baby

Here’s a natty little flash game I’ve been playing by the name of Gimme Friction Baby.

You fire the balls and once they come to rest they expand to fill the space around them. Then you use subsequent balls to try and hit the previous balls three times – at wich point they break apart and vacate the space they occupied. What makes it difficult is aiming the gun – it constantly sweeps back and forth by itself, so it’s easy to misjudge the most trivial of shots.

Still, it’s fun in a mininmalist kind of way, and the ambient music is cool, too. 🙂

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