
Kneesy Does It – The Operation

At 7:30am I paced the corridors near the Day Case Center of Broadgreen Hospital, wondering why I had shown up there but no one else had.

It turned out that the area that was sign posted as the Day Case Center wasn’t where I was supposed to be, and soon enough a nurse came out from another wing and led me to my room for the day. Room 2 itself was nice and modern – it lacked a TV, but I figured it’d only be a while until I was taken to theatre anyway, so after changing into the fetching mesh underwear and gown I’d been given, I sat back on the comfy chair and rested my eyes.

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At the end of a long week

The week started off on Monday with the trip down to Gloucester for my Grandmother’s funeral. It was a glorious day – clear blue skies and a warm sun belying the fact it was mid-February. Unusually for the M5, the traffic was flowing well and we made it to Brockworth in good time.

The day went continued to go smoothly, considering the sadness of the occasion, and Elisha was very well behaved, despite being so excited to play with her cousin Abigail and see all the familiar faces. There were plenty of not-so familiar faces, too – some people I hadn’t seen in a good long while and it made for a pleasant afternoon, after the funeral, just catching up with the extended family.

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Flickring on

This morning I was clearing space on my PSP’s memory stick, deleting folders of images because I knew they were safe on Flickr. It was only later when I visited my Flickr account on the PC that I found my Pro account had lapsed. A few years back this would have been a disaster – they were in the habit of clearing out people’s lapsed accounts, although fortunately this hasn’t been the case for a while now.

I’d only signed up for a year’s Pro account when I first started using Flickr, as I didn’t know how much use I’d make of it, but over the course of 2007 it’s been great to save and organise batches of images there. It’s the fact they’re safe there, too, that makes it well worth the money – I could have a total hard drive failure on my PC at home and lose stuff that hasn’t been backed up. Yet my pictures at Flickr are safe and sound and available whenever I need them – I can even view a Flickr slide show on the big TV downstairs by visiting Flickr with my PS3’s web browser, so I don’t even need to have them on my PS3’s hard drive..

So this time round I signed up for two year’s worth of Pro account, and I’m going to try and make full use of it by taking a load more pictures. 🙂

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