Transitional Years


Transitional Years

Well, 2008 is in the books and, on balance, I’m glad to see the back of it.

Yeah, this is the bit where I normally go off on one of my trademark rants.

You know? Where I…

  • Wallow in bitterness at going through with a knee operation which not only failed  to fix the original issue, but left me with pain in a different area because the surgeon freelanced during the procedure.
  • Lament leaving a great job where I was king of my castle to move back north and send my career off at a tangent, then spent the nine months that followed in a world of frustration.
  • Rue relocating for a fractional salary increase at a company that did not offer any financial assistance to do so and, in the process, put my house up for sale just as Britain plunged into the deepest housing market crisis since records began.
  • Lash out in anger at the way I slid back into credit card debt in order to fund the eventual relocation to a rented house in my home town, only to have an inept estate agent in Liverpool throw away any chance of having tennants in our house before the festive period by routinely forgetting that we are paying them to make all the arrangements.(That last one is particularly irksome because it’s meant covering both rent, mortgage, and double the bills for three months now. Can’t do four. Four is financial ruin. Four means spending the rest of 2009 literally drowning in debt. But four is looming.)

Those are just the lowlights of 2008 – I have a whole lot more pent up ranting I could be committing to keyboard that, without the support I’ve had from my family this year, could have boiled over many times before now.

But no, I don’t want to go there. No sense having the bad fortune of last year spilling over into what needs to be a fresh start. Right now I have to be focussed about what I can do to put things right in 2009.

Unfortunately, I don’t have all the answers, but I do have a plan – of sorts – in that I know I have to take drastic measures in order to salvage my situation. I’ve been down a similar road before, so I know the kind of tunnel vision it’s going to take these next few months.

2009 is all about getting out of this hole I find myself in. Nothing else matters.
