
In sickness and in need of health

I’ve been under the weather for a couple of weeks now and it’s really getting frustrating. I’m generally quite resilient when it comes to illness, but this winter has taken its toll and when spring arrived with a welcome boost in temperature a few weeks back I was delighted. All too soon it was back to being wet and cold again, though, and that’s coincided with me getting this cold.

I’m taking my vitamins and eating about as healthy as I can do, but this thing isn’t shifting fast enough for my liking. I have a cycling event in one month’s time and I’m behind on my training already. I’ve managed to keep the pace up with my Tough Mudder strength training, as that doesn’t really require me to be able to breathe efficiently.

Still, if this cold hasn’t cleared by the end of the week I’m going to far enough behind with my fitness on the bike that it’ll make that first event of the year even more daunting than it already is.

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Living for the summer

I’ve been feeling pretty energized this past week with the days being lighter longer. I can’t stand the winter – there isn’t a day of dark and wet weather that goes by without me yearning for the return of summer. It’s so close now that I can’t wait at all and I’ve been out making the most of the unseasonably warm(er) and dry(er) weather.

Last weekend I went for a two hour cycle and it was dry the whole time. Today I went for a bike ride with Jason and although we did have some very light rain while we were out, for the most part it was dry and unusually warm. Later in the afternoon it was even dry and warm enough to get out with Elisha and play on our skateboards.

These are run of the mill activities, but the fact that it’s the better weather that makes them possible just fills me with the motivation get out there and enjoy them while I can.

Over the years the weather in this country has ruined my best laid plans for enjoying outdoor activities more times than I care to remember, but each year I have renewed hope of a memorable, long, dry summer. Maybe 2012 will be the best one ever?

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