
A Bit Fitter

I’d speculatively asked for a Fitbit for xmas, knowing that it was both a pricey gift and a bit of an unnecessary luxury. It turned out that it wasn’t due out in this country until early January anyway, but I was lucky enough to get one all the same.

Given my preoccupation with recording statistics from my life, the Fitbit is like catnip for me. Having every step, every flight of stairs, and every calorie burned, tracked and graphed on my Fitbit profile page is compulsive stuff. Just turning a mundane lunch time walk into a chance to improve my daily score makes it enough like a game to motivate me to get out there.

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140 Days Later

“It’s Wheldon! Dan Wheldon has won the Centennial Indy 500!” Came the call. I jumped up and down in excitement, arms raised, ecstatic that my favourite driver had won, but still stunned at the dramatic final moments. Wheldon had only led the race for 100 yards, but he’d crossed the line first with Hildebrand’s wounded Panther car limping over the line in second. Unbelievable!

Just 140 days after that moment, as I sat watching the aftermath of that crash in Las Vegas, I knew he was gone.

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Challenges for 2012

Starting the year off on a positive note, I thought I’d list the challenges I’m attempting in 2012. I’m doing this in the knowledge that I wasn’t successful with some of those I set myself for 2011, yet managed the cycling challenge I threw in later on. I don’t know whether that makes me more realistic or not, but I intend to have a bigger spread of challenges this year all the same.

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