
As good as blue can be

Dave Shea’s latest re-design of Mezzoblue is fantastic. I love what he’s done with it this time around, and although I’ll miss the old-old site, I think it’s the perfect answer to the critics of his “proton” design – an experiment that didn’t please everyone, by Dave’s own admission.

Nothing shows your true character like the ability to bounce right back with a sock–remover, though, and in this case regular visitors can have no cause for complaint. A job well done.

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There’s a nice new search engine in town by the name of IceRocket. While the name harks of the dotcom boom, when companies with meaningless titles were springing up all over the place on the back of gullible investors, the actual search results seem pretty accurate. So I guess as long as it does the trick, it doesn’t matter how daft the name is… hell, I suppose Google is hardly meaningful.

A nice touch is that IceRocket shows a screen grab of each result along with the link and summary – very handy if you’re looking for a site you cant quite remember the name of. Strangely, though, a search for WipeoutZone on Icerocket throws back screen grabs that must be over two years old now. Weird.

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