
The legacy of the browser wars

With the announcement a month or so ago that Internet Explorer will no longer be released as a stand-alone product, it became apparent that the only evolution in browser technology will be those which come from the Opera or Mozilla stables. Seems that although MicroSoft won the war, it couldn’t really be bothered with the long term upkeep of the territory it had claimed.

(There’s a worrying real life parallel here involving countries, but this is neither the time nor the place.)

And now, banished from the webscape, Netscape has finally been laid to rest by those in charge at AOL deciding to shut the project down completely. Part of me feels a little sad – Navigator was the first browser I used and one I swore by until I became a web developer. After that my attitude towards it changed completely – sentiment aside, it was a buggy piece of shit and I’m glad it’s gone forever.

So here we are – five years later and the dreams of standards compliant browsers delivering an even playing field across platforms is further away than ever. Sure, if everyone switches to Mozilla or Opera then bleeding edge sites will work perfectly without tricks and hacks. But with the masses sticking with the default install of IE that they get with their new windows based machine, it seems unlikely that the sheer scale of infestation managed by MicroSoft will be diluted any time soon.

It took many years before most web developers became brave enough stand up for themselves and refuse to support Netscape Navigator 4.77. And even in its heyday that only had around 40% of the market. So what of IE 6 and its overwhelming domination?

Just how long will it be before web developers can stand up and say to clients “My advice is not to dumb down your site or fill it with hacks in order to support IE 6.”

And while all this is going on, we’re right in the middle of the Search Engine Wars (TM), except that nobody has even noticed. Like a seemingly innocent friend who has lulled you in over time and before you know it you’re robbing banks and gunning down innocents, Google is quickly and surely changing the search engine landscape.

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Strange, pointless Bananas

Strange Banana randomly generates a CSS driven website design and encourages you to use the code as your own, if you wish.

While it’s a clever gimick, the designs look pretty similar to the CSS based cookie cutter sites that were the norm about a year and a half ago, before nice sites like Jimformation and the oft-mentioned Zeldman‘s site stood well out from the dull, CSS copy and paste crowd.

Strange Banana might be very clever, but it’s just a shoddy way for wannabe web designers to grab some code they don’t remotely understand and pass it off as their own. Worse than that, it’s not helping anybody learn anything in the way that Glish and Bluerobot do so well.

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