The russian girl who likes to take her motorbike for a ride into the the desolate area left by the Chernobyl disaster has updated her site since I last mentioned it here on As well as some expanded commentary, she’s added a few more pictures too. If you didn’t visit the last time then I urge you to do so now – you’re probably not going to see stuff like this in real life. Well, unless some terrorists eventually get their hands on a nuke at some point.
Caught on camera – the incredible shrinking memory of the US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
Check out this site made by a russian girl who visited the area around the Chernobyl disaster. The pictures on the latter pages are truly chilling – it’s hard to imagine the kind of horror that must have been endured in those nearby settlements as the russian military evacuated people from their homes for ever.
Sadly she appears to have staged a few of the pictures, like the gas mask in the crib, for instance, and the fact that her bike is missing in all the city shots would suggest she might be embelishing her story a little, too.
Regardless of the truth behind her tale, the pictures are pretty impressive by themselves.