Clipwasher is a great little widget that I’ve recently added to my collection, and very useful it is, too. What does it do? Well, it cleans text that’s copied to the clipboard, removing formatting so that you can paste it into other applications without all the unwanted messyness. It’s unobtrusive – it looks like a bar of soap, and can be scaled to fit in amongst all your other widgets – a really nice piece of work.
Check out this cool collection of kids’ drawings enhanced by professional artists.
When you’re little your imagination tends to fill in the blanks and apply some much needed soft focus to your drawings, so I think it’s interesting to see people with talent bringing these drawings to life.
Check out this cool Wristphone being made by an Australian company.
I know I said I wanted a funky new camera phone, but a wristphone with a Bluetooth headset would out-cool that by some margin. Plus, I could just use a regular camera to take pictures, like folk did before the obsession with gadget convergence kicked off.