Game On

Rumble Racing

What a barrel of laughs this one is! The souped up cars look fantastically over the top and the racing is even more so, with passive and active power-ups and an insane AI for the computer controlled cars.

The game comes into its own in two player mode, where you can co-operate as a team and take on a 6 of the generous selection of cars in the game in various championship rounds. The difficulty curve is about right, although some races rely on you making three perfect circuits of a track and the leading AI car having a bit of a crash at some point.

It is all fast and furious fun, though and the pace you have to keep up over three laps is mind melting in some cases. To quote my team mate: “I forgot to blink again!” is something quite easily done in the heat of battle and trance-like concentration you’ll need on tracks such as The Gauntlet, Surf N Turf and Outer Limits.

The only downsides are the fact it’s pretty easy to complete all the championships – there isn’t GT like depth in this title. Sometimes having to rely on a fluke victory to open up the next level is very frustrating – try needing to finish second in an absolutely torrid race only to have it ripped from your grasp by a slightly misjuded final corner – it makes you swear and look to the heavens in desperation!

If you’re holding out for GT, this title deserves to sit alongside it on your shelf – as I said, it doesn’t have the depth, but the fun-o-meter is off the scale and the Twister effect has to be seen just to see how good it is.

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Erm, I was at an… em, Cold Fusion… em, seminar

Today I went to a free Cold Fusion seminar in London. It was held by Macromedia, who have become the corporation behind the server side technology since their merger with Allaire in May.

I’ve never used the language before, although I had a rough idea of what went on, but I can say that I was very impressed by how easy it was to create database driven pages very swiftly. Certainly it looked much quicker than what I use, PHP – although that’s to be expected when PHP is free and Cold Fusion has a 1200 dollar price tag for the development studio alone.

Most hilarious though was the part of the seminar when the constantly Ummming and Emmming “Sales Engineer” showed a slide that had Cold Fusion doing a db query and output in four lines of code compared to 20-odd lines in PHP. It was total bullshit, as the CF code had no error handling, graceful failure, or page formatting code in there when the PHP code did – yet the Sales Engineer was presenting it like for like.

I pointed this out – saying I was slightly annoyed and that he didn’t have to tell lies to convince me that CF was a great looking product. Several Ummm’s and Emmm’s later he admitted that it was wrong to compare code from one language with that of another, and that the ASP code they showed was slightly bloated too. So why did he do it!?

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Net Force : Point of Impact by Tom Clancy (et al)

Book coverI’m not entirely sure how they do it, but the Tom Clancy endorsed Net Force books seem to be getting better and better. This, to my mind, is the cream of the crop – gone are the tedious explanations about the “mysterious man who lives in isolation with the mountain goat who painstakingly builds one weapon every six months before meditating for a similar duration” every time someone pulls out a gun!

They’ve finally decided that for us to keep reading for a 5th book, we’re obviously interested in the great characters and fantastic plots the Net Force series has to offer rather than an encyclopaedic knowledge of weapons and covert tactics. The ghost writer seems to have decided we’re an intelligent bunch too, as the plot of Point of Impact is fantastic and genuinely keeps you enthralled throughout.

I read the entire book on a flight from London to LA – even when my girlfriend convinced me that I should really get some sleep, I could only tear myself away for half an hour before jumping right back in. It was made all the more fascinating by the fact that the bulk of the story is set in LA – reaching the final pages of the book as we swept over the city to LAX was a total treat!

There aren’t many books that can pick you up at the start of an eleven hour flight and carry you on a fantastic journey all the way to the end, but this one managed it with some degree of ease.

And the plot? It’s so good I recommend you to buy it and find out for yourself!

To buy this book from Amazon UK – click here.

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